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Wednesday, August 27, 2008 5:47 PM

Okay, now its time to blog about podcast experience yeah.

This few days, I've been working on my poem, and our teacher MISS THAM wanted us to record our voice reciting the poem. Podcast has always been a normal thing. It is just like listening to DJ, radios etc.

Podcast records down our voice, and people can indirectly hear what you want to say.
Podcast could be interesting, in many ways.
Whenever you are feeling low and you wanted to confide to someone, you can record down what you wany to say and share it with the person you wanted to confide to.

& Of course, first time experiencing podcast (like me) could be just as "shy". We dont tend to record down our voice, just like me. If I said i like podcasting, it will only meant that I like listening to what people say in their recordings. Of course, it was a first time for me, so if i had another chance to podcast again, I might fall in love with it ? (lols)

What can podcast benifit and help when it comes to oral communication ?
Podcast is just like saying out what you want to say by recording. When you record your speech, it is just like you're telling what you want to say to the oral examiner. (:

Expressing your emotions by podcasting, you might be less stressed than expressing to the person face to face with you. Just like if you wanna confess to someone, wouldnt it be much stress and nervousness in you when the person is just right in front of you ? So podcasting comes in handy. :D

yay, bye !

// sealed with a kiss :)

Sunday, August 24, 2008 9:06 PM

Creating a POEM.

Title: You are my sunshine.

When I close my eyes, I see darkness
Fading into the lights, without brightness
I wished for a spark of light
so to calm me down from a stairs of fright.

I told myself its okay
For tomorrow will be gay
When I open my eyes, I saw brights
Knowing that my sunshine had arrived.

Ps: {I know the poem is little bit funny. :x }

// sealed with a kiss :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 5:10 AM

Homework : Technology.

Technology are everywhere, all around us. When you were asked to list the examples of the word technology, your answer will most likely be computers, telvision set, lights, fans and air-conditioners and so on.

People always said technology helps us in many things we do. Technology relieves part of our energy in doing work, let us have the oppotunity to shop online without even going out and even help us communicate with our friends even when we are at home.

However, technology do harm people around the world. Technology makes people get into a bad habit called "lazyness". People might not know Technology actually harmed the earth, our home. Global warming which are getting worst were normally caused by electricity which is used because of technology. Among the advantages and disadvantages of technology, people tend to neglect the disadvantages and move on with the advantags of technology.

// sealed with a kiss :)

Monday, July 7, 2008 5:43 AM

A personal recount of a travel adventure.

It was near the end of May, 2008 when I went on an exchange programme in China, Xi'an with my friends and teachers. I felt so excited on that day when we are going to fly towards China as it was the first time I am going on a trip to China. Our parents brought us to the airport and bid us farewell before we entered the checkpoint.

It was an eleven days trip. Due to the earthquake that happened in SiChuan a few days before we came to China, we did not visit the school there first. Instead, we toured around, learning the history of China. We visited Huang Di Ling, the Bing Ma Yongs, the muslim street there, the muslim temple, the Dayanta, Famen temple, and the Li Shan mountain. We even climbed on the Hua Shan Mountain and watched Chang Heng Ge performance in Hua Qin Chi. My friends and I were really enjoying ourselves in China. We took snapshots and even felt so fascinated when we saw many fascinating antiques found in China's modern days.
At the last few days, we finally went to visit the schools there. We get to see their flag raising ceremony and witnessed on how they take their pledge. At night, we went to our buddy's house to have a look. Indeed, there is a great difference in the apartment between Singapore and China's. Due to some safety precautions after the earhquake had happened, we were not allowed to stay overnight there. But it was really a great experience, and we had really learnt a lot of things in the eleven days of China.

Although there were great times, there were also bad times when we were in China. Homesick everyday, causing everybody's mood to decrease for a while and the losing of appetite as we were not used to eating the food there. But as time passes, homesick were not common anymore. Instead, we were enjoying ourselves until we forgotten about our home. Our appetite grew wider day by day too, and in fact, we even finished all the food that was laid on our table.

Finally on the eleventh day, we went back to Singapore. We bid farewell to our buddy and even invited them to Singapore. Back to Singapore, we began to miss our buddy, our hotel room, the girls secret talk we had everynight, those China's historical places that we had visited and even the food there.

It there is another chance to go back China for another exchange programme, I will be the first one to register for them !

// sealed with a kiss :)

Its her ! ♥

♥ Sweetsourbitter Fourteen
2EA 'o8

About her ♥

Shoppings were her loves
And TV were her addictions. :D
& She's mad about lollipop; AHWEIIIII ~!
Thats all you should know about me, thankyou. {:


sweetEXITS ♥

Place all your LINKS here :D
Siying {:
Julien {:
Melissa {:
Yiling {:


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image hosting; Photobucket
images; x x x x
fonts; Dafont
please leave the credits alone.
thanks. :D